I think this baby came from Dunkin Doughnuts, but I'm not exactly sure.
Fat creepy singer Tiny Tim does a rendition of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?"... To answer your question good sir, no I do not.
A crazy anti-meth commercial from a few years ago. The war on drugs may be a total sham but man is this ad good.
Take a look at this very bizarre looking bus.
The guys doing late-night work on the Sin City DVD developed a new food for those caught between dinner and breakfast.
Check out these imitation Nikes from China.
An Australian TV show quizzes Americans about 9/11 and finds some disturbing ignorance. Oh, the hijackers were Hindu? Thank you ma'am I had mistakenly thought they were Muslim.
Footage from a 1980s cable show where some Christian nutcases talk about the "witchcraft" in the Transformers and Voltron cartoons. There's lulz to be had in this vid!
How would you like to get a filling on the side of an Indian Street? Do they still give you a free toothbrush?
An old racist Jell-O ad from the 1960's. Do you want some "glape"-flavoured Jello?
This frog makes a bizarre scream when the camera goes too close. If that's its only defense mechanism, how are these things not extinct yet?
A short film about professional internet gamers in China who spend all day mining gold in W.O.W. to sell it to foreign gamers.
A very bizarre glitch in Donkey Kong Country for the SNES where the player gets to ride a grey-coloured donkey kong.
The dumbest Guitar Hero video you will ever see. You've been warned.
Welcome to the messiest home in America. Wow, this is absolutely disgusting.
This poor camel walks straight into the path of an oncoming train in Saudi Arabia. I wonder why it doesn't get out of the way?
Some old Hungarian ad for sausages. "In Communist Hungaria, sausage eats you!"
Some people have expensive cars in their garage. The really wealthy have cars on their walls.
We know you thought the Chia Pet was useless and annoying, but the book is sure to be a hit.
Such a shame to see it all go to waste.
You won't believe the damaged goods that this guy has taken to the roads with!
Jay Leno hosts a contest to see whether Text Messaging is faster or slower than Morse Code.
A weird version of Super Mario Bros accessed using a ROM. Crazy.
This giant snake coughs up an entire hippopotamus! The food chain sure is confusing sometimes...
Oh Bollywood, what WON'T you copy?
Some pictures from the Freeway Collapse in San Francisco. Amazing that more people weren't hurt.
This Chinese woman squeezes her feet into tiny little shoes each day. This is very weird.
This sheep attacks its "owner" after its partner was sent away to the slaughterhouse. It is only a matter of time before the sheep unite and overthrow us all.
This guy cuts off part of a fish and has a customer eat it while the fish continues swimming around watching. Brutal? Yes. Intriguing? Definitely.
An elegant name for an elegant design. This littls pile will soon be available where you live.
An elegant name for an elegant design. This littls pile will soon be available where you live.
A whole new way of telling time is eing developed and this cool new watch is what stated it all. Check it out.
Leave it to the Japanese to make the most bizarre stuff maginable. Here is a squid shaped USB data drive.
This office worker is so stressed out and annoyed that he snaps at a girl talking on the phone, breaks her phone then goes after her. Harsh.
This guy basically sums up all of the worst stereotypes about gun owners.
A kid with Asperger's (a form of autism) tries to explain what it's like to be in his shoes.
This suicide bomber shows off his deadly game. Notice the nuts and bolts used as fodder to kill surrounding innocents.
Here is a collection of all the different Monsters that Japanese filmakers have used in their by now cliche movies. So funny.
Frightening camera phone footage from the Virginia Tech School Shooting. Our hearts go out to all of the victims and their families.
Have you found your center yet? Maybe you need to walk around in a giant hamster-ball for a while.