There's a few I don't think I'd attempt
Dude, Halloween only comes once a year!
Yuk- Someone chopped all my hair off!
Do you think this would really happen?
I don't think I'd want to eat a pig after seeing this on the streets
This is a weird looking playground
Look at the chick behind him....worse night for her.
What were these people thinking. Those are dumb.
I'm not sure what the guy is looking at, but needs to concentrate on the other dude.
Is it Halloween or what?
Those eyebrows actually look fairly normal on him.
Frog riding on this fishes back. How often do you see this happen?
Talented group of have to love their sense of humor
Are you looking at the statue?
Maybe they are getting in touch with their feminine side.
Either the Gecko's feet are burning..or it's got some beat .
Care to join me?
I still can't figure it out. Can You?
Geez, there's a lot of freaks in the world.
Is it the weekend yet...having a bad day!
Cool pictures of ordinary photos with giant women.
Is this guy for real?
Maybe the next Season 9 American Idol?
Do you think all of this hurts?
Well, minus one.
Gotta love this picture of the dog and computer.
WTF-Rat bread!
Strawberry Flavor..yum?
This guy is a bit creepy
Who would even put these toys on their shelves?
This is odd.
Super Special Dog is a crime fighting superhero... sort of.
WTF is this?
Who would want to shave this baby? That's just not right.
Is this a mix of gremlin and monkey. Ugly S.O.B.
No thank you, I'll pass.
What the hell is this...
One of the most bizarre things you�ll ever see
A PC motherboard and components made out of gingerbread.