This dude knocks a guy out in a pool and subsequently rescues him from drowning. They're called manners, people, and he has them in spades.... Plus a pretty mean right hook!
If you're going to use one of those overly-posed, duck-faced pouting shots that are the norm for social networking sites, at least make sure your wobbly gut isn't on show to make me want to slice my eyeballs in two.
I bet the owner is really pissed off
I've never hated cats more than I do right now
If you're gonna do something rebellious, then make sure you do something truly hardcore to sick a paw up at the system! Mind you, this mutt probably can't read anyway!?
Low budget PC mod.
Whose cream is it? Where's the button to show I'm barfing?
Underwater scooter for fat people.
There's nothing like scaring the absolute pants off a younger sibling - Nothing can give you that sense of joy & total OWNAGE - Here's a compilation of just such moments, look at their little faces as they scream for their lives!
You finally find the perfect girl and you feel as if your future is set for life, you gaze at her across the room and wouldn't change a thing about her......*wait! It's then you notice she has extremely hairy arms and your dream is shattered.
No need to hide in shame ever again when you borrow the family car. This is the kind of performance that will get you noticed, plus every cop in the world will want to meet you too. How cool.
"Nothing's too good for my woman"
After all the fame
Because there're chickens hanging out in that tree. In the city
You must bring your own
But I bet those legs need a little work
Not sure why he has to be in bed to do that
Look how kids can be so mischievous
When people say life is not like a video-game, they�re talking shit. Life is a video-game as this short film proves with this guy taking out hackers left, right and centre with awesome head shots. It�s darned impressive and darned epic. BOOM! Head shot. B
...not gonna feel pretty tomorrow...ouchy Yell
Whoever she's with wins the race
Feet on the way up, butt on the way down. Wheeeee! ....
Fat people can poop elsewhere
I sure hope that is a concrete bridge support for a heavily traveled Interstate Overpass.
probably some commercial like once u start,u cant stop
Alright! i'd Hop on his Hammock anyday!
Are you a half full, or totally empty kinda giu? It looks like the water park isn't quite open for business yet. They're still in the process of filling the pools with complete idiots. WTF!?!
What a way to get the apple
"Damn these naked white women"
It's someone's job to build the artwork that we all love at Legoland. And that 'someone' has a keen sense of humor and a love for internet memes that most visitors will miss. I want that to be MY job.
How to make school more interesting�.done!
I guess the zoo isn't feeding their gorillas as many fresh bananas as they used to
No my car is not overloaded. I hope I am not going too fast.
As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
You'd be hungry, too, if you'd been subsisting on a rice-based diet.
I am in absolutely no doubt that this WILL hurt.....soon
If you want to go for a little ride there is no problem, just take the car!
huge belly no tits, gross! he's going to need more than an asprin in the morning.
Looks like something out of Final Fantasy in the last pic.
If you're an avid Pokemon player then maybe you'll be able to help this guy out, or more likely if you're not an avid Pokemon player then you'll be able to help this guy out. His struggling to remember where in the Pokemon canon this name lies.