aawwww! Baby shares her Cheerios with an incredibly gentle dog
And here comes the destruction belly. lol
Hey, i want something like this too. Can I order it in Mcdonalds?
Facebook. This is the place you come to show the world and your friends just how bad you are at grammar & spelling is. Prepare for a merciless put down if you manage to screw absolutely ANYTHING up!
Oh yeah, it's totally worth to pay for it.
I don't see how that thing can eat.. It has no pecker on it's face!
Life has no more to offer.
It is a sign, a sign that you should stop withdrawing so much cash
I'd buy that for a dollar..
Even the king of the jungle has needs
Don't worry, you look fine.
Now, really.. Who is going to pick this guy up?
best tan lines ever
Girl with sword skills? Check. Grandma? Check. Dancing friend? Check. Techno? Check. Magic? Infinity check.
Somethingabout this ride makes me really interested in giving it a try.
Something to get thrilled with all those wrapped
Everyone has the right to protest for what they believe in and for once i'm a 100% in favour in lending a helping hand (or 2) in supporting this girl in whatever way she needs it!?
Take that hand out of your pocket, sir.
WARNING: Pumpkin cruelty alert! If you want to know how to upset a pumpkin then you have come to the right place. Force it to recreate The Human Centipede and it'll be a Halloween they'll never forget.
when did they start making x-ray laptops?
Does she need to fuel herself up too?
This kid shows his aunt why she should probably lock her door by appearing in a 'Jason' (Halloween) mask. She has one heck of a reaction
These barbie girls-like are my type of girl. With those nice curves, omg. I would want to be like barbie
You never know how late you will be out and how far you'll stray looking for the ultimate payout from your 'Trick-or-Treat' ventures. It's best that you organize some transport to get your booty home safely. Kinda.
Those Nigerians will do anything to get you those $28.5 million
Brought to you by the letter "M"
I wonder where to buy this realistic bulge eyes
Fat girls'll put anything in their mouth on the off-chance that it's edible
Is that still considered a golden shower?
This guy changes the belt on his engine while the car is still running
She's thinking, "If farts don't have lumps, I'm in trouble!"
Everyone loves a Halloween prank! One of the simplest and best to play on a child trick or treating.
Thats the simplest way to say it not too forward lol
Every mother�s dream to show up for Sunday dinner with the Catholic school daughter.
I wonder why they let me pass through if witches arent allowed? lol
It's that wonderful, peaceful calm before the oncoming storm of an almighty hangover. You've had another heavy night on the booze, and you're past that point where you could fall fast asleep on a bed of rusty nails. Or anywhere.
Now this isn't something you see everyday, a horse skipping with the jockey swinging the rope. Mad Skills!!!!
She'd have to be a hooker for that..
Clue: It was the original video game... Still don't get it? Think Ping-_____
If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask the internet. Sure you might not get exactly what you asked for but you'll sure as hell get a few unicorns and some narwhals, which are pretty much the solution to most things anyway.