thats a big blow hole
I wonder really if thats the best choice of your hiding place
What fun,pumpin rubber!.
Oh la la.. Perfect thanksgiving!
Turkey Tanline Who would thought turkeys are very sexy!
Now, now, there's no need to dig one
I'm afraid even the slightest move can be funny
You ever had one of those days where nothing seens to go like textbook? I am 100% certain that breaking this dude's fall is the first time any of those books have ever been used.`
Drop a carrot, and watch Akmed & Mohammed go for a faceplant when the camel stops cold.
Somebody needs to tell the 'Pope' that his tampon hat needs changing.
the owner must be a clock addict
Basically, this game is just to test how many gallon you can suck?
Superman has nothing on this baby. Lifts that car like a boss! I wouldn't want to pick a fight with him when he's older.
Step up a Mr. George Mauer, the ginga love ninja with a pedo grin that would scare off Pedo Bear. Let's hope this sign sees him being harassed forever until he dies his hair a colour that doesn't resemble urine.
What are the chances of a airplane hitting a truck. Someone needs to find out the statistics Am I really save?
For the brothers without the money for a fitted..
Garrett Macnamara surfed a record breaking 90 ft wave in Nazare, Portugal.
Those nights out on the town didn't go as exactly as you remember! A few details may have been a bit off.
So you are just browsing the Russian roulette equivalent of websites for abit of fun and then someone familiar appears in the window. You feel sure you've seen that face before. then the horror hits!
do you see the face in the glass ?. Nice effect with some paper the masterful work of an experienced artist.
Perfect for her b-day!
My neighbor, the conspiracy theorist, thinks this is the government spraying us with an anti-chemical warfare agent. What a nutjob!
My Cat Should Probably Avoid Sleeping On Soccer Fields.
Awwww, bless! He's scared of a balloon pop, i guess we shouldn't tell him its under the toilet seat then? I find it hard to believe he's not used to much larger explosions in the bathroom.
Yo mama's so fat... thats why it sunk
*Facepalm* thats the netherlands flag
Near Santa Cruz, California, a surfer paddling along the water comes awfully close to being part of a meal.
So, this guy's life just happens to be in mortal danger, so what do you do? Panic? Scream? Weep for forgiveness from a dead god? Or do you jot it all down in your diary for posterity. Of course, this could be shooped. Just look at them pixels.
When you hear upgrade you smile�.oh yeah!
this is for multi-tasking people
Defensively cute
The Indians use them as roads.
There's a lot of weird stuff on the internet and you either love it or you don't. Frankly though, if you can't find it in your heart to love a cute little chipmunk in a tutu dancing to ballet music, you're broken.
There's always that ONE guy that's just got to make a stupid face - LOL
I would like to have one deliver at home >:)
Absolutely cool!!!! Now i got an idea how to make my own
On its way to put out the fires of hell!
She must be flattered being called one
Whatever, there's still a spare one
And here comes the destruction belly. lol