A view of hurricane Irene from the International Space Station. It is rather big!
Even the NYPD love a good parade!
Aren't he adorable? Being in the center od attraction
I cant ever imagine myself having a work like that
That bucket probably isn't big enough.
This is the only thing that keeps them sane.
They didnt know of the word "Normal PeoPle"
This dude's attempt to steal a TV ends painfully, but it's for the best. If he tried to steal cable, he'd probably end up hanging himself.
Waiting for my pimpin car!
So, which one is yours?
Higher number, more fun
pls dont kill my stuff dog
Here's to you Mr. I jacked off till my arms bled guy.
Exposed: Michael is the tooth fairy
There's no doubt a car could win
I got this. Just apply the air-brakes.
thanks for ruining my childhood memories
I seriously love videos like this, you just know what is gonna happen before you start to watch it, the only burning question is WHEN this seriously cute chick is gonna fall - LOL!
Maybe that dude, wants a kiss from that dude. lol
Hope i wont encounter one
Whoever Loses, is totally busted!
Has this young lady got no shame? No humility? No dignity? What has the world come to when teenage women cavort their wares openly for any old pervert to come along get an eye full. Scandalous.
I suspect there's penetration as well
This guy is trying to teach a 13 1/2 foot alligator a new trick. Lets hope it goes well and he doesn't get in the mood for a human snack. So far I don't think the alligator understands his part in the trick.
How the hell is this fat, bald, pasty, hair mother funker getting more hot ass than i am? Lucky bastard.
that should keep woman to diet first before deciding to marry. lol
For this to be real, the 5 year old would have had to screencapped it and posted in on the internet. Also when was the last time you saw a 5 year old spell youre right?
You really don't need a dirty mind to see the double-entendres on display here. It's the comical result of space-saving and abbreviation failage on an seriously epic scale. What were they thinking. Seriously?
This dude learns just how important those last 90 degrees in rotation can be when jumping off the high dive.
I bet he thinks that was his play ball
Oh my god, such unlady-like.
Did you guys see it? ahaha..
The throwing of the chickens, as is tradition
Look how lavish really their wedding is. Wish I was invited.
Epic kick plus epic face = Epic Fail!! I dont know how to describe your face
Archeologists discover proof that the blonde chick banged King Kong.
I doubt the professor will scold her, instead the prof will keep on peeking the delight in front of him
He's trying for amazon woman titty! I hope he fails..
Why dosen't she just open her eyes!? oh wait