These badboys are stronger than steel!
It's clothing with slogans that there really should be laws against. If your opinions can sometimes be offensive to certain people then the best thing to do is get a T-shirt with them printed on the front.
We're not dieticians, but we're going to recommend a glass of water go along with the mouthful of dirt Nikita just ate on this awesome rope swing faceplant. (Love her comment on not belonging in a two-piece!)
I met him on eHarmony
I bet the girl likes it by pretending to sleep
awsome but is it super glued
Sometimes you need to get kicked in the mouth before you succeed
the fish looks like its gnna eat it tonsoles or its spine
Just a short Amy Winehouse funny interview moment
Yeah, girls do know how to use their lucky charm
Haha, this picture is funny because cats don't read!
Looking at him, i doubt he did it
Better got a hold of them before they can infect us. lol
In case you�ve been in a drugged up stupor, a lot went on this last weekend news wise. And one of the tragic events that took place was the death of Amy Winehouse. And so this kind gentleman kindly penned this loving tribute to her. I�m sure it�ll make
Perhaps a lot of fans of kim are now in agony... well,, congratulations to them. Look how pretty she is in her wedding
Grandpa's uppers.
how does one pull out the chairs while still in position?
This girl sure got a big mouth for sucking
Is it weird that the eye on the right is in a mouth?
She sure is.. Her butt eats the toilet paper.. lol
If they ever needed more motivation to beat the guy from Indiana, he gave it to them.
Time for Rob Brydon & Steve Coogan to have a lovely cocktail of snot. Well, sort of. Actually, by the looks of it there's not much appreciation going on, just impressions and goblets of sputum.
This kid is so gay..
Be afraid. The world's first fully robotic feline is here. You can tell he's a robot because of the noises he is making. If you need more proof than that you'll have to try and catch him on the dance floor.
Now I know who stole titanium plate from my skull! Burn in Hell!
How can he be 'differently older than you'?
How could they possibly prefer the chlorine one with the salty one? hmmm
Now, sadako is in the trash can
Look how romantic kris humphries
Very disturbing in the eyes
He's a brown noser
Is that grease? lol
I never fail to get amused by females & FUBAR - This apparently happened after the Bay to Breakers festival in San Francisco. One booty-bouncing chick took that title a little too literally.
Looking for hot laugh? These one is for you
A man should be in there, and the woman should be making the pizza
They�re not regal, but with a bash tipped to be Hollywood�s answer to the Royal wedding, the Kardashians are preparing a $10million (£6million) extravaganza that will put our Kate and Wills to shame.
Someone actually uses it.
that lizard's got balls ...
Ice skater Jessica Dube is hit by her partner's ice skate while the two spin around. She underwent surgery to repair the 'significant cut' to her cheek and nose
In soviet russia, bear drives you!