A homemade rocket was launched with everyone at a safe distance, except for this guy...
It's got 3 speed settings: Low, Medium, and who needs a man.
Doing it wrong. How hard can it be to float?
The celebrity looks stunning and even the wax figure!
Congratulations to both of you. Now kim's' male fans move on..lol
Still ain't nothing on.
That guy reminds me of a character in dragon ball
Nuuuuutss. I want to suck your nuuuuuttttss.
Yes!! Inhumane powers!
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries wedding on Saturday, August 20, is going to be an event to remember. A million dollar wedding!
It's a ridiculously cute white, fuzzy ball of a dog
If he's old enough to read, he's old enough to breed... Vaseline not included..
What occasion would this be appropriate attire?
This kitty either has a weight issue and wants to try and burn off some excess calories or it has identity issues & is using the washing machine as a giant version of a hamster wheel. Lets hope he cleans up his act soon!
Another creative and funny batch of bra
Not so good ad.. i'd run away from this chick
I feel itchy all over my body just seeing this pic
Time to hit the gym, I envy her
A dwarf can fit in
Teach them young and the children shall lead the next generation.
Might be the next great spectator sport for men.
Look it is simple. Go to the top of the pole and pull the 4th black wire down from the middle and you are done
They're so cute... but they're too young for that.. Please no inserting of tongue
Wow! This kid is going to be the worst person in the entire world when she grows up. If she is like this at 3 years old just think.
an old lady with a gun? you dont think that's awesome?
Very idealistic and creative. Though it looks funny
I tried to pass him... ...but he peeled out.
I see what you did there. now i should be very cautious
Introducing the Monkey Nano. It works with all Iphones and Ipods, and is the smallest monkey Apple has ever created.
Dare to wear this girls? so cute!
Too funny...and a guaranteed way to not get hired!
Always expect the unexpected. When it comes to girls, they usually get a headache before wrapping their legs around this guy, so in a weird kinda way this is really a step up for him.
"Her boobs is way bigger than my gf" is what he's thinking
That thing looks creepy. Kill it!
But nerds love studying about sex. lol
.. and remember folks, Opus Dei brand sausage is made with people.
This rule is useful and necessary.
That's a milliion pounds
Freeze or I will shoot! What�s that? I can�t hear a word you are saying.