Two shall enter; one shall wander away in a daze. The wall remains undefeated!
Gonna take a picture privately!
very handy
I bet I'm gonna strangle my wife if she wears one like that
Next time, beware of background
Wanna play some meat hoops?
the guy on the bottom needs to invest more time into brushing his teeth.
Be careful, or you'll end up spending the rest of your life blowing people.
I count $680.
It's good that he's keeping wet. It's always sad when they beach themselves.
very good question. lol
Found her! I wonder how she can carry that big foot
Audience got the advantage specially the one who took this picture
A surveillance camera catches a thief reaching for a gun out of his pocket and accidentally shooting himself in the nuts while trying to rob a closed business. If he did have the balls to attempt a bank heist, he doesn't anymore - OUCH!
Did you see it? :D
At least he won't be able to hear the other rabbits laughing at him.
Oh look, Deep Space Nine with Quark.
Yes! Very amazingly cool
You won't find it here
That's a belt from his waist.
OOOh.. such size and hairy.. :)
He might not look like much, but this Florida soft shelled turtle has got lightning fast reflexes! He's obviously in preparation for the Indy 500. The only thing missing was a puff of smoke in the shape of a turtle as he ran off!
Nice shot there buddy.. very very precise
Also, a flying calculator
This must be outside of BP's headquarters.
Strangely but surely funny
don't worry, nobody will find out
That face is priceless
This guy has no shame. Not only is he caught filming a young girl�s crotch while she does stretch exercises in public
Everyone has the right to protest for what they believe in and for once i'm a 100% in favour in lending a helping hand (or 2) in supporting this girl in whatever way she needs it!?
There's got to be an easier way to do that
What it really looks like.
So don't waste your beautiful smile and keep smiling :D
Sometimes it's just not going to be your day, however heard you try. Dude, you couldn't have picked a worse time to take a 'break' from arm wrestling if you had tried. Cue drum roll & a very large OMFG!!!
They're pretty smart and cute
It's hot. And oppressive
needs a quick access panel at the back
No girls or social situations allowed
You never really are truly safe from the watchful stare of a cat, first it was the ceiling and now it is in department stores. He watches, waiting for you to make another fashion purchase FAIL!